Delta Sigma Theta Toured Museum with Delta Gems (Children)

Delta Sigma Theta Toured Museum with Delta Gems (Children)

The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter in the Phoenix area toured the museum with more than 60 children to learn about African American history in Southern Arizona. Featured are the chaperones from the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority GEMS Academy, who accompanied the tour with the students.

The museum was honored to host an educational tour for over 60 children, organized by the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Chapter in the Phoenix area. The children, accompanied by chaperones from the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority GEMS Academy with museum volunteers, explored the museum’s exhibits and learned about the struggles and triumphs of African Americans in Southern Arizona.

At AAMSAZ, we offer educational and inspiring events that provide valuable insights and perspectives for children. We want to ensure that the children who attend our events leave with a deeper understanding of African Americans’ rich cultural heritage and history. By promoting cultural awareness and appreciation in our community, we plan to make a positive impact beyond the event itself.

Website by AAMSAZ

Logo Design by Felicia Penza

Please note: No photos and no videos.
Museum Location
  • Museum is located on the Campus of the University of Arizona
    Student Union Room 244

    (1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719)
    Park in the 2nd Street Garage

Business Office

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