Preserving Legacy
Through Storytelling

We often lose history and the stories of those who have passed away. When a person is able to tell the story of one of their ancestors, a friend, or foe, the legacy of someone who has died allows their life story to be told. These are great life history’s and stories that represent the richness, contributions, accomplishments, and impact a person had on a community, our lives, and the lives of others. The details in these stories share meaning and information about a person or a people, and this is a reflection of their Legacy.

Website by AAMSAZ

Logo Design by Felicia Penza

Please note: No photos and no videos.
Museum Location
  • Museum is located on the Campus of the University of Arizona
    Student Union Room 244

    (1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719)
    Park in the 2nd Street Garage

Business Office

Copyright © , African American Museum of Southern Arizona. All Rights Reserved. No image, sound or text from this site can be used without the expressed written permission of the museum’s Board of Directors.