The Oral Histories

This collection captures the voices of Southern Arizonans sharing their personal stories in their own words. This collection features a rich tapestry of African American experiences throughout the region, offering firsthand accounts on a variety of important topics, including community centers, education, housing, employment, faith, and much more. These narratives provide a unique and invaluable perspective on the history and culture of Southern Arizona.

Clarence and Mr. Kendrick

Our Words, Our Lives

The Oral Histories collection is the spoken word by our community and about our community. The Oral Histories collection is sponsored by the Elliott Family Charities in conjunction with the African American Museum of Southern Arizona. The collection includes some of the most colorful and fascinating stories of African American experiences in Southern Arizona about various topics including community centers, education, housing, employment, faith, and more. From slavery to Juneteenth, the 26th Amendment to the Civil Rights Act, African Americans have a rich history steeped in diverse experiences.
Doreen and Richard Davis


Many of the interviews in our Oral Histories collection illustrate what local African Americans witnessed, experienced, and contributed as they built and assembled in a community that was not often supportive, but ultimately has become the community we live in today. Our griots give a voice to the past for those who can no longer tell their stories about their journeys and experiences. The griots share the oral histories with a sense of family, heritage, culture, space, place, and time. Many journeys one can only experience today through one’s imagination and hearing the voices of the past.

Videotaping Space Donated By:

Living Waters Church
4343 E. 22nd Street
Pastor: Warren Anderson

Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
226 E. Lester Street
Pastor: Dr. Marvin L. Hugley, Sr.

Website by AAMSAZ

Logo Design by Felicia Penza

Please note: No photos and no videos.
Museum Location
  • Museum is located on the Campus of the University of Arizona
    Student Union Room 244

    (1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719)
    Park in the 2nd Street Garage

Business Office

Copyright © , African American Museum of Southern Arizona. All Rights Reserved. No image, sound or text from this site can be used without the expressed written permission of the museum’s Board of Directors.